Thursday, November 12, 2009

dusting it off

I know everyone in the world has a blog nowadays. I saw it coming a long time ago. No, really - I dated the girl who started Blogger. We only dated for 3 1/2 months, which seemed to be my make-or-break timeline for relationships. If a girl wasn't marriage material it would be apparent by the 3 1/2 month-mark. Anyway, Meg and I dated for a few months after I graduated college and was in that awkward "oh fuck, how do I start a career?!?" mode. It ended poorly. But this was January 1998 in the beginning of the dotcom boom and she was working with a few people in San Francisco creating something called "web logging" or blogging. She was a Type-A with an enforcing sadistic attitude towards anyone who lacked accolades similar or of higher achievement than hers. I'm friends with most of my ex's but I haven't spoken with Meg since. I've grown and I figure she has too. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. We were so wrong for each other - its comical now. But at the time, just out of college, I was searching for stability. Youth truly is wasted on the young.

But I'm not blogging again to reminisce past romances. I'm picking it up and dusting it off because my life has become far too narrow lately. I have a lot going on and no one to share it with. So I will post it here, as a start. Perhaps it will attract like-minded folks. Or opposite-minded folks. I think - most importantly - it will force me to document my ideas. By documenting my thoughts, I'm free to let them go and develop new ones, deeper ones, bigger ones. There is so much to the world, so many levels, and I've fallen into a rut that I'm having trouble digging out of.

I'm not going to spend much time editing these posts. At least initially. The intent is to get my ideas on metaphoric paper. But first I'm going to get a beer.

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