Waxing window; aka, another day at South Mission Jetty
Wow. My windows got waxed today while surfing South Mission Jetty. My windows! WTF? On my rear window it said, "Go Back to AZ." The limp-dick 40+ year old guy that wrote this was the same one (since there were only 4 of us in the lineup and I knew one of them already) who yelled at me after my buddy dropped in on his buddy. Talk about guilt by association - I didn't get a trial or anything! Automatically I was labelled a kook because my friend Matt, who I haven't seen in months, happened to paddle out and drop in on a local. The local happened to be at least 10 years older than me or Matt. I'm 32 years old... so we have middle-aged men acting like 6-year olds, throwing temper tantrums if someone does something wrong. Check out this example.
Now, mind you, Matt was in the wrong. But when the local's buddy paddled up to me and yelled, "Real nice how your buddy dropped in on him!" I responded with, "hey man, I'm not stoked about it either." Matt had shaken up the hornet's nest and then refused to apologize. Fuck, what a pain in the ass. Whenever I paddle out at a place that is heavily localized, I tread lightly and try not to agitate anyone, because I know how easily a decent session can become a nightmare by the harrassment of lame-ass, middle-aged "locals" riding over-volumed boards to compensate for their disfunctional beer bellies. I'm sure these idiots don't have much, so they really hold on to surfing. They don't embrace change, they don't have any aloha, and they don't have any appreciation for anyone else.
There were 4 people out there (total) and two of them were still angry. What a shitty way to go through life, being that angry. In the words of Ed Abbey's grandmother, "May we live long enough to piss on their graves!"
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